2-22-2017 A bizarre end to the trial of Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour - Yoav Haifawi +972
https://972mag.com/a-bizarre-end-to-the-trial-of-palestinian-poet-dareen-tatour/133344/ …The defense insisted that the poem [Resist, My People] is a legitimate expression of protest, which speaks about the occupation's violence against innocent Palestinians. The defense based its arguments on specific events that were mentioned in the poem: the children who were burned; Hadeel, who was shot; the settler's robbery; and the violence of the army's special undercover units. The prosecutor focused on what she thought was clear to every "average person"—the Israeli worldview that sees every Arab, and especially whoever opposes the occupation, as a dangerous terrorist…According to the prosecution, the publication of the photo "I am the next Martyr" was part of a systematic pattern of encouraging suicide attacks. The fact that the picture was first published in response to the burning of young Abu Khdeir, of course, should have been concl...