2-13-2018 Gaza in a vice - Omar Karmi Electronic Intifada



Hamas has given over control of crossings and administrative duties to the PA to no avail. There is little armed resistance left in Gaza, whatever the movement's rhetoric: bar a flurry of rockets after Trump made his Jerusalem announcement in early December, there has been nothing for Israel to worry about all of last year.  What the situation does offer is clarity: The US has given up on even a pretend peace process. And simply waiting for Trump to go away will not do: Israel has in effect been given a green light to take what it wants now, and it is considering its options.  Arab countries, meanwhile, may step in to avoid absolute catastrophe, but only at the last minute and only with the green light from Israel. Politically, there is neither        the   will nor the drive to help Palestinians achieve any of their minimal claims. …Further afield, a Saudi crown prince plots war with Iran that demands US and Israeli support and unquestioned loyalty from other Arab states in a slow-motion car crash of self-fulfilling Sunni-Shia conflict prophecy. Palestinians are told to stand aside...

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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