1-31-2017 German FM After Meeting Netanyahu: Is Israel Prepared to Pay the Price of Perpetual Occupation? – Noa Landau Haaretz
…Speaking at the Institute for National Security Studies conference in Tel Aviv following a meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel pointed to a changing geopolitical landscape and a shift in U.S. priorities…Addressing Israeli academics, politicians and policy experts about Israel's conflict with the Palestinians, Gabriel said "as a friend and close ally, we need to know if Israel is not supporting a negotiated solution to this conflict anymore."… Are you prepared to pay the price of perpetual occupation and conflict - a price that will continue to grow if there is no hope for self-determination on the Palestinian side? Are you willing to bear the consequences of fully fledged annexation - a one-state reality of unequal rights? Or are you ready to accept a single democratic state between the sea and the river?" Answering himself, he said, "I admit that I am worried by these questions and especially by the lack of convincing answers so far."…
Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member
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