1-3-2018 How much aid d1-3-2018 How much aid does the US give Palestinians, and what’s it for? - Dov Lieber Times of Israeloes the US give Palestinians, and what’s it for? - Dov Lieber Times of Israel


The United States is by far the largest donor of financial aid to the Palestinians [and  UNRWA, over $5 billion in USAID funds since the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1994], with this assistance touching nearly every aspect of life in the Palestinian Authority. But US President Donald Trump threatened on Tuesday to end this aid to the Palestinians, angered by Ramallah's refusal to cooperate with the US's efforts to jump-start Israeli-Palestinian peace talks after he declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel in December. The Palestinians want East Jerusalem to be the capital of their future state…

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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