1-24-2018 There are two narratives but only one reality: Palestinian disupossession – Joseph Levine Mondoweiss



[a review of J.M.N. Jeffries, Palestine The Reality: The Inside Story of the Balfour Declaration 1917-1938]As we see from his vantage point so clearly, the land of Palestine was stolen from its people by a major world power and given to another group of people who had no claim to it whatsoever. That last quote from Jeffries near the end of the book says it all. Of course there is now a Jewish community in Palestine that cannot be ignored or just sent back to where they came from, so one cannot undo the original sin. But so long as we don't properly acknowledge that original sin – and this is what Jeffries's book helps us do so well – I don't see that genuine peace with justice is possible.


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member



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