7-24-2104 Americans' Reaction to Middle East Situation Similar to Past – Jeffrey M. Jones Gallup Politics


…Americans are divided in their views of whether Israel's actions against the Palestinian group Hamas is "mostly justified" or "mostly unjustified," but they widely view Hamas' actions as mostly unjustified. Those results are similar to what Gallup measured 12 years ago during another period of heightened Israeli-Palestinian violence, and they are consistent with Americans' generally more positive views of the Israelis than of the Palestinians


[For example] Other subgroup differences may stem from the basic party divisions. Men, older Americans, and whites are more likely than women, younger Americans, and nonwhites to say Israel's actions are justified. Although Americans with postgraduate education tend to be politically Democratic, they are the most likely education group to endorse Israel's actions…


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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