2-19-2020 ‘We gave up on historic Palestine in exchange for nothing’ Bassem Tamimi, who has led popular protests in Nabi Saleh for more than a decade, says the two-state solution is 'no longer an option.' - Oren Ziv +972



…"Why did [his 16 year old daughter] Ahed slap that soldier?" Tamimi asks rhetorically, in a meeting with journalists from Israel. "Because I didn't. That's the reality: We need new ideas, and we cannot expect different results if we continue on the same path. We need to be focused on a goal and change our methods accordingly, not the other way round.  "We don't want to live in an illusion," Tamimi continues. "The peace process began in Madrid in 1992, but the 'Deal of the Century' finished that process off. But the current situation is better than what they're proposing [in Trump's plan], which offers no right of return and no territorial contiguity — just population transfer, and total control for Israel."… Tamimi, a longtime Fatah member, now believes that a one-state solution is the only way. "My children can't go to the beach, which is 25 miles from here. So I'm now talking about one state. We need to change our thinking, to accept the idea that we need to live together." The idea is gaining ground among Palestinians, he says, citing a recent survey by Palestinian pollster Khalil Shikaki, according to which 37 percent of Palestinians support a single state…

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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