10-16-2010 A Historical Reckoning: Oxford Study Challenges Israel’s Claims Concerning Palestinian Refugees - Miko Peled Mint Press


…A thorough understanding of why millions of Palestinians live as refugees and what international law says about their situation is critical, and a recently published study sheds unprecedented light on the Palestinian refugee issue. "Palestinian Refugees in International Law" (2nd Edition), by Francesca P. Albanese and Lex Takkenberg, was published in May 2020 by Oxford University Press (https://global.oup.com/academic/product/palestinian-refugees-in-international-law-9780198784050?cc=us&lang=en&).  It is a comprehensive body of work on the Palestinian refugee issue, and its important study sets the record straight on what caused the refugee crisis, provides vital statistics and fills in crucial pieces of information regarding what international law says regarding Palestinian refugees…

Posted by Judith Ferster, Voices for Justice in Palestine member



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