6-22-2017 Gaza power plant back on, with help of alliance of old foes - FARES AKRAM AND MOHAMMED DARAGHMEH Times of Israel



Egypt, Hamas and Abbas's former ally Mohammad Dahlan reportedly join forces against the Palestinian Authority to restore electricity to Gaza…The sole power plant in electricity-starved Gaza Strip sputtered back to life Thursday after receiving fuel from Egypt — a shipment that resulted from a surprising alliance between bitter ex-rivals, including the territory's ruling Hamas and an exiled former Gaza strongman.  Egypt's shipment of 1 million liters of fuel undercut a high-stakes campaign by Western-backed Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas who is trying to weaken Hamas by gradually reducing the flow of electricity to the territory he lost to the militants in 2007…

 ...Dahlan helped persuade Egypt to send the badly needed fuel to Gaza, in exchange for Hamas allowing him to broaden his political presence in Gaza, according to officials involved in the negotiations.

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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