7-15-2020Watch: Ali Abunimah, Nada Elia, and PhilWeiss discuss ‘The End of Zionism - Mondoweiss



Zionism — the assertion that Jews have a right to violently establish and maintain an ethno-religious state in the homeland and at the expense of the Palestinian people — was, at least in the United States, a mainstream belief with support across the political spectrum.  In recent years, that consensus has crumbled. Palestinians have led the global BDS movement that highlights how Zionism violates the rights of all Palestinians, and younger generations of Americans, including Jews, are turning away from an ideology that is more and more openly aligned with the most reactionary, right-wing and white supremacist forces. Similar changes are happening all over the world. Though Zionism is on the retreat ideologically, Israel retains immense power and impunity.  What will it take to change this apparent stalemate, and shift the balance towards liberation for Palestinians? Ali Abunimah, Nada Elia and Phil Weiss discussed this topic yesterday in an online event sponsored by Haymarket Books, Electronic Intifada, and Mondoweiss….

Posted by Judith Ferster, Voices for Justice in Palestine member


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