5-20-2020 Abbas declares end to agreements with Israel, US – Yamna Patel Mondoweiss



Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared late Tuesday night an end to "all agreements and understandings" with Israel and the United States, and that his government would be "handing over responsibility of the occupied territories back to Israel." …The likelihood of the PA to willingly break down its government, forfeit its power, and lay off the thousands of people who rely on government jobs, is next to impossible. .. [Ramallah analyst Dawoud Yousef says] "How is one to pursue a diplomatic path with an entity whose core strategic goal is the negation of your existence?"  "If the PA really cared about liberation instead of its own privilege, it would have dissolved itself under Arafat. Realistically, one cannot end an agreement that has already expired or been disregarded by one of the parties."


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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