4-29-2020 treet leader calls on AIPAC to end ‘Israel-right-or-wrong’ policy and condemn annexation - Philip Weiss Mondoweiss



In the last couple of days American liberal Zionist organizations and European governments have issued statements opposing the plan of the new Israeli government to begin annexing occupied lands in the West Bank come July. They say annexation is a line that must not be crossed because it will destroy the possibility of a Palestinian state — even as the Trump administration says that annexation is up to Israel. The EU has said there will be a "strong response" if Israel annexes. Germany and the UK have come out against it. France says annexation "would not pass unchallenged and shall not be overlooked in our relationship with Israel." …… While author Ian Lustick has said that annexation is a step toward Israel becoming a real democracy, not one that discriminates against Palestinians... Dennis Ross has said that, "1 state for 2 peoples is more likely."…

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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