3-16-2020 RELEASE: Khanna, Cohen, Eshoo Lead Letter Urging Administration to Oppose the Displacement of Palestinian Families and Ensure U.S. Equipment is Not Used in West Bank Home Demolitions – Marketscreener.com



Today, Reps. Khanna, Eshoo, and Cohen penned a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo with more than 60 Members of Congress urging the Trump administration to take immediate action to oppose the Israeli government's acceleration of home demolitions and displacement of Palestinian communities in the West Bank. Writing to Secretary Pompeo, the letter requests the State Department to examine Israeli compliance with the requirements applied by the Arms Export Control Act in order to ensure that U.S.-supplied equipment is not being used to destroy Palestinian homes. The signers note that the United States 'should work to prevent unlawful home demolitions and the forcible transfer of civilians everywhere in the world and prevent the use of U.S.-origin equipment in this destructive practice.'…


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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