2-18-2020 The Rise and Fall of The Israel Project – Alex Kane Jewish Currents



THE ISRAEL LOBBY is in trouble. Until recently, support for Israel from both political parties was considered ironclad. But the Democratic Party is beginning to change, and its presidential frontrunner, Bernie Sanders, wants to condition US military aid on Israel respecting Palestinian human rights.  To stem this trend, groups like the newly formed Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI) are trying to frame support for Israel as a natural part of a progressive agenda. But the downfall of The Israel Project (TIP), a once-influential pro-Israel group that counted prominent Democrats as top supporters, offers a sobering lesson for groups like DMFI. Once dubbed "Israel's most effective media advocacy organization" by TIME magazine, TIP closed its doors last August after its funding dried up, with Democratic donors fleeing the organization because of its advocacy against the Iran nuclear deal, Barack Obama's foremost foreign policy achievement.  TIP's decline reflects a new reality confronting Israel's supporters in Washington…




Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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