1-4-2020 Jeff Halper on the US Killing of Iranian General Qassem Suleimani – Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions



We are in the midst of a prolonged anti-colonial struggle, against outside powers and our own "leaders" as one. Ending the Israeli occupation is a key to this. It is not just a local affair. Israel exploits every division and source of instability to maintain its control over the Palestinians and protect American hegemony in the region. In fact, the very practice of targeted assassinations -- illegal under international law -- has become normalized in US policy because of Israeli precedents against Palestinian leaders, civilian as well as military.  Casting Iran as the enemy serves to deflect attention from Israel's occupation, Saudi terrorism and global destabilization, the role of arms salesmen and the anti-colonial struggles of the region's peoples, including the Iranians...


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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