1-17-2020 ADL lies about me so as to shut down discussion of Israel’s role in Soleimani killing - Philip Weiss Mondoweiss
The ADL has lumped me and Max Blumenthal and Jeff Morley in with rightwing antisemites because we said that Trump killed Qasem Soleimani out of concern for Israel's interest. The ADL classifies us as the "anti-Zionist left," but it associates us with nationalist Jew-hating rhetoric that has undoubtedly made Jews less safe in the United States…The ADL doesn't want me to bring up the fact that Sheldon Adelson and Bernard Marcus, Trump's two biggest donors, hate Iran, and in fact Adelson called on the last president to strike Iran with a nuclear weapon. The ADL seems to believe that even mentioning these wealthy Zionists is going to foster antisemitism…No one is mentioning Adelson and Israel as factors in Trump's decision-making, even as he sides with rightwing Israeli militant policies again and again and again….The ADL…has won a lot of battles over the last ten years including keeping the criticism of the Israel lobby in the margins. But it knows that bit by bit it is losing the Democratic Party and young Jews….
Posted by Judith Ferstere, AIME member
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