12-19-2019 From the Old City to Tel Rumeida Hill: Israel’s Takeover of Hebron Forges Ahead - Miko Peled MPN News


…The Jewish-only settlements that dot Hebron's rolling hills do not rely on local commerce for their resources, instead, they are all connected to the settlement of Kiryat Arba by a network of Jewish-only roads and infrastructure. Kiryat Arba serves as a sort of hub connecting Hebron's various colonies. The plan is to connect the settlements in a line running through Shuhada Street, past the Ibrahimi Mosque, and up to Kiryat Arba. That settlement will then be connected to the settlement in Tel Rumeida, closing off the area to Palestinians and taking over all Hebron's Old City, effectively expelling Palestinian residents.  Hebron is a microcosm of the rest of Palestine and unless people of conscience around the world act and adopt the call for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) against the Israeli government, the story of Hebron will soon be the story of all of  Jerusalem and the rest of historic Palestine.

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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