9-29-2019 Middle EastStudies Association and Others Express Concern to Department of Education overTitle VI - Jadaliyya Reports



[letter to Education Department from Middle East Studies Association and 17 other academic associations]

…International studies in the United States is a real success story: Title VI centers have provided this country with several generations of regional experts and have led the way in regional studies nationally and globally. The education and training provided by academic programs supported by Title VI have consistently linked language training to international education in a range of disciplines that enable students to attain the depth and breadth of knowledge they need to become regional experts. These experts have gone on to use their skills and knowledge in a variety of sectors—government, private, academic and non-profit—fully in accord with the goals of Title VI to meet national needs for regional expertise across the board. We are very concerned that the approach outlined in your letter, tying funding to considerations that have little to do with developing and supporting area studies of the highest quality, will undermine the mission of Title VI, and set back the cause of international studies in this country.



Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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