8-20-2019 Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar’s support for Palestinians is like the Anti-Colonialism of George Washington - Juan Cole Informed Comment


...The Israeli Occupation of Gaza and the West Bank has deprived 5 million people of the rights of citizenship. As US supreme court chief justice Earl Warren wrote, ""Citizenship is man's basic right, for it is nothing less than the right to have rights."  The Israeli occupation of the 1967 territories of Palestine is no longer really just an occupation, since the law of occupation pertains to ordinary 4-year wars when one side temporarily takes another country's territory. Since 1945 it has been illegal to take that territory and then keep it. What we really have in Palestine is an Israeli colonial enterprise. France no longer has Algeria or Vietnam and Britain no longer has India, but Israel has Palestine, and Israel rules Palestine very much in the way that the old colonial states ruled their overseas subjects.

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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