6-25-2019 Trump’s Deal of the Century is destroying Israel – Sam Bahour Forward



To some, this [moving the capital, annexing the Golan Heights, offering Palestinians an economic deal before a political one, accepting settlements and the Gaza blockade] may sound "pro-Israel" in that it is green-lighting another campaign promise of Netanyahu's, and giving Israel cover to pursue annexation. But the truth is, this kind of talk places Israel at an existential risk. An Israel that annexes the West Bank is either not a democracy – if it ratifies its rule over millions of Palestinians who don't have the right to vote – or not a "Jewish state" – if it grants those Palestinians equal rights, for soon we will be the majority "between the river and the sea."  Put simply, Trump's dealmakers, like his deal, are undermining the ability for Israel to exist.  It's not lost on the younger generation of Palestinians, either…

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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