Re: 5-22-2019 We made sure Israel couldn't hide the occupation from Eurovision - Tanya Rubinstein +972


Thanks for sending this along. Really good to see what the Israeli left is doing within Israel to challenge Israeli whitewashing and insist it can't be business as usual for an occupying power.


On Sun, May 26, 2019, 1:38 PM Judith Ferster <> wrote:

Israel had hoped to use the Eurovision Song Contest to bolster its international image. We were there to remind the world that there is no business as usual with an occupying state….The largest media outlets in the world reported not only on Eurovision, they also paid attention to our demonstrations. It was a week that proved that in our current reality, an international event of this size in Israel will bring about resistance to the occupation. We showed that even without the enormous budgets of the Foreign Ministry, the Tourism Ministry, or the Tel Aviv municipality, we can reach millions of viewers, readers, and tourists.


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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