3-20-2019 Hectored by Netanyahu, Israeli Arabs Could Have the Final Say - David M. Halbfinger New York Times



With three weeks to go, the Israeli election is so close that Arab voters, who make up only a fifth of the population, could help bring Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's long career to an abrupt end.  Mr. Netanyahu has been fanning the flames of anti-Arab sentiment almost daily.  He has warned Israelis that his main challenger, the retired army chief Benny Gantz, would "hand over parts of the homeland to the Arabs" and that he would make alliances with Arab parties that "want to destroy" Israel. Mr. Netanyahu has also joined forces with a racist faction whose leaders support expelling Arab citizens and call them "the enemy." Such appeals have worked for Mr. Netanyahu in the past. This time they might backfire…



Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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