3-12-2019 Palestinians will suffer the impacts of climate change more severely than Israelis due to the occupation - Zena Agha Mondoweiss https://mondoweiss.net/2019/03/palestinians-severely-occupation/


Despite Palestinians and Israelis inhabiting the same physical terrain, Palestinians under occupation will suffer the effects of climate change more severely…The single greatest non-environmental risk facing Palestinians in the West Bank remains the ongoing Israeli occupation, an occupation so pervasive that the United Nations Development Program considers it an environmental "risk" in its own right. Now in its 52nd year, the occupation prevents Palestinians from accessing and managing their land and resources, particularly water…


1. The environmental arrangements of the Oslo II Accords, especially as concern water rights, should be recognized as having expired, and Palestinians should regain full and uncompromising access to aquifers and the Jordan River.2. The PA and Palestinian civil society organizations should expand an awareness-raising campaign to inform Palestinians of climate risks and suggest coping strategies.  03. Accurate data collection is crucial to strengthening the PA's capacity for climate change adaptation. The PA should pursue coordinated collection, analysis, and sharing of climate-relevant information, focusing on local-level climate data to provide real-time monitoring.  4. Since Palestinian society relies heavily on aid, international donors should finance projects that fully integrate mitigation of climate risks. However, there is much criticism of the aid and NGO architecture in the OPT and incorporation.

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member



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