1-9-2019 Why this Durham panel won’t ask the city to take Israel out of its policing statement - By Dawn Baumgartner Vaughan News and Observer



Rabbis, politicians, activists and others gathered Tuesday night to find common ground in the aftermath of a Durham City Council statement on policing that some saw as anti-Semitic.  Some are still disappointed at the outcome.  The council approved a policy statement in April 2018 that put the city on record opposing military-style police training with foreign countries. The statement, which mentioned only Israel by name, has drawn criticism, international attention and two lawsuits. The city's Human Relations Commission has now weighed in, too, with a report on the statement it says caused tension in the community.  But after months of discussions and a final three-hour meeting and vote on their report, commission members stopped short of asking the council to remove the reference to Israel, even though an earlier version of their report did…[The commission made a number of recommendations affirming some statements of the letter from 12 local rabbis objecting to the City Council's policies and some statements of the City Council...]

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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