12-25-2018 Israel's upcoming elections will have plenty of surprises in store - Dahlia Scheindlin +972


Israeli voters will head to the polls in three-and-a-half months to elect a new government. Here's what that means, and where the elections may go...

First, the current government has essentially maxed out its four-year term, and Netanyahu will be credited with generating relative stability in Israel's notorious political jungle. ..

Second,  Currently, the portion of all Israelis who call themselves right wing stands at around 46 percent — among the Jewish population, that's just over half... The number of self-defined centrists is roughly one-quarter, and the portion of left-wingers is stable at about one-fifth (about 14 to 15 percent of the Jewish population). Overall, most polls show a slight plurality of right-wingers, versus the center-left bloc.

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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