11-13-2018 Hamas didn't start this fight, but it won't win it either - Samer Badawi +972


If Hamas allows Israel to drag it into another lopsided fight, it will not only cost the lives of countless innocent civilians in Gaza, it will also distract from ongoing mass resistance to the siege… As we hold our breaths during this latest "escalation" — between an Israeli government recently put on notice by the International Criminal Court and a Palestinian faction that routinely uses torture to silence dissent — let us remember that, though they may beat their chests and claim their mantles, there are no heroes among them. The truth is that [Hamas commander Nour] Baraka's killing has not changed the stakes for Gaza's two million Palestinians, who, like their compatriots in the West Bank and Israel, will continue to find ways to resist the daily injustices of occupation. Ultimately, neither Netanyahu nor Hamas can eclipse them.



Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member7


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