9-12-2018 Pro-Israel Group Secretly Ran Misleading Facebook Ads To Target Palestinian-American Poet - Josh Nathan-Kazis and Justin Elliott/ProPublica Forward

In 2016, as Palestinian-American poet Remi Kanazi performed at college campuses around the United States, his appearances seemed to spark student protests.  Before his visit to John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City, a page called "John Jay Students Against Hate" appeared on Facebook with Kanazi's face next to a uniformed cop, painting Kanazi as anti-police. When Kanazi crossed the country a few days later to visit San Jose State, a nearly-identical Facebook page popped up, this one called "SJSU Students Against Hate," with Kanazi's face superimposed over an image of military graves. Paid Facebook campaigns promoted both pages.  Despite their names, the Facebook campaigns were run by professional Washington D.C. political operatives who work for a group called the Israel on Campus Coalition, according to promotional materials obtained by ProPublica and the Forward…

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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