8-25-2018 Israel, the occupation is at the core of who you are - Nadav Bigelman +972


It is not news to many Israelis that their government, led by Benjamin Netanyahu, is pushing all those who do not align with his spirit of nationalism and racism to the margins of society. Ongoing legislation against the LGBTQ community, the Jewish Nation-State Law, and intense incitement against left-wing activists continue to degenerate Israel's delicate social fabric. Recent detainments of Jewish American public figures and activists at Ben Gurion Airport, including the journalist Peter Beinart, serve as a blaring reminder of this climate. However, they are merely a symptom of years of Netanyahu's policies, and of the generation that was comfortable in ignoring the occupation...Ronald Lauder is among that generation, and in his article, "Israel, This Is Not Who We Are," recently published in the New York Times, he describes the drastic ideological and identity-related shifts impacting American Jewry. According to Lauder, divisive legislative processes in Israel are multiplying at a deeply troubling rate, and Jewish communities, especially younger groups, are no longer willing to stand idly by the anti-democratic trends unraveling in Israel in recent years. Fear of the deterioration of Israeli democracy is indeed troubling, and anyone who cares about Israel's future cannot afford to sit on the sidelines, writes Lauder...

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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