4-5-2018 US/Israeli/Saudi Alliance: Future of the Middle East Careening Toward War With Iran – Howard Machtinger Portside



[This piece was originally written for Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) in early February 2018 before the appointments of Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State and John Bolton as National Security Advisor. These appointments render an already alarming situation even worse.]

As matters stand, the US/Israeli strategy is to isolate the Palestinians, leaving them no option—not even the pretense of negotiations—to accept, at best, permanent Balkanization under the direct control of the Israelis.  Minimally, we must continue to assert the human rights of Palestinians and to expose the strategy as unsustainable injustice leading to more violence and instability.  Trump, for better and worse, has exposed the patent hypocrisy of US policy toward Palestinians.  We can connect the dangers of the overall Trump trajectory to the particulars of his Middle East plans…


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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