2-26-2018 The Israeli Settlement Movement Is Failing - Shaul Arieli The Forward


…Contrary to [settlement movement leader] Yaakov Katz's] assertions, the real data show that the settlement enterprise has failed to achieve its central aim of preventing the establishment of a Palestinian state by creating irreversible physical facts on the ground...Contrary to Katz's claims, the data shows [sic] that his movement has not created the demographic or physical conditions necessary to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state. It remains feasible to create an Israeli-Palestinian border, with minimal land swaps, that will allow the vast majority of both Palestinians and Israelis living beyond the Green Line to remain in place.  The obstacle to a peaceful two-state outcome is not Yaakov Katz, or the numbers. It's the continued failure of leadership and vision by the current Israeli government.

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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