2-20-2018 Former president of Modern Language Association resigns following decision to ban debate on BDS – Margaret Ferguson If Americans Knew blog [originally Mondoweiss]


…By passing Resolution 2017-1, which closed the door in a constitutionally unprecedented way on future debate about the Palestinian call for boycott of Israeli academic institutions, the Association has sent a message to the world that it wants protests about the conditions of teaching and learning in Palestinian universities off the table. Because the resolution misrepresents the MLA's purpose in its opening clause, leaving out the Association's long-standing efforts to advocate for humanities educators' rights; and because the resolution prohibits future discussion of an issue of public concern, eleven past presidents with different views on boycott asked the Council not to treat the resolution as business as usual at its meeting last February. The decision to do just that means that the Association has gone on record as wishing to prevent further discussion of infringements of educators' rights in the Occupied Territories…


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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