12-7-2017 House passes bill about Taylor Force, ignores 34 other Americans who were killed by Israel - Kathryn Shihadah If Americans Knew



...The Taylor Force Act, allegedly on behalf of an American killed by a Palestinian, is designed to pressure the PA into "de-incentivizing terrorism" – even though Israel kills far more civilians. Congress and others do not show similar concern for 34 American servicemen killed by Israel [crew members of the USS Liberty, attacked by Israel]. In fact, since January of 2009, Palestinians have killed 168 Israelis, while Israelis have killed 18 times more Palestinians—a total of 3,143. In 2016, the year of Taylor Force's untimely death, 16 Israelis died at the hands of Palestinians and 110 Palestinians—many posing no threat whatsoever—died at the hands of Israelis. If any group has a "grotesque practice" of killing, perhaps it is not the Palestinians… Most of the world has a practice of paying a "death gratuity" to the families of service members killed or injured in the line of duty. The US does; Israel does too. Both Israeli and U.S. forces have killed numerous civilians, yet families of fallen soldiers still receive funding...

 Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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