12-28-2017 The Voice of the Next Palestinian Generation - Gideon Levy Ha’aretz Premium [behind a paywall]



…The event: An open discussion between longtime Palestinian diplomat Afif Safieh and the rising Palestinian star Ali Abunimah, co-founder of the Electronic Intifada website… it was an intra-Palestinian clash ofideas — for and against the Palestinian Authority; one state or two,
boycotts. It was a personal clash and also a generational confrontation, just as transfixing. The debate raised issues long brewing in Palestinian circles, in the territories and even more so in the diaspora...Safieh is a senior Palestinian diplomat…
Abunimah was born and lives in the United States...Twenty-one years separate them, years of frustration and despair...Abunimah said that if you move slowly you'll achieve nothing, while Safieh
said that Israel is so strong that achieving great things is impossible, which is why one must be realistic and struggle for what one can...It was a confrontation between the realpolitik of the previous generation and the revolutionary spirit of its heirs...Israelis should listen to the new voices. They will get louder. Abunimah isnot a terrorist, nor is Safieh, of course; but Abunimah will not compromise with Israel that way Safieh was prepared to and still wants to.  Israel has missed the opportunity for compromises. Abunimah wants one state and the right of return; boycotts, divestment and sanctions; the end of Zionism and
a halt to racism. On American campuses they listen to him much more readily than to Safieh. The old Palestinian locomotive has reached the end of the line. "And then one track whispered to the other, the king is dead, long live the new king," (from "Song of the Locomotive" by Arik Lavie). Let's see how well Israel does with him.


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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