12-12-2017 Israel survey finds deep divisions, displeasure with leaders - Josef Federman AP Washington Post


With the prime minister facing a slew of corruption allegations, the peace process at a standstill and the government moving to stifle critics, it is no secret that Israel is a deeply polarized nation. But a new survey released on Tuesday shows just how divided the country has become.  The annual Israeli Democracy Index found that 45 percent, or just under half of Israelis, believe the country's democratic system of government is in serious danger. But the survey found very different sentiment among different parts of the population.  Just 23 percent of Jewish right-wing and religious voters, the base of support for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government, fear that Israel's democracy is in danger. Yet among Jewish left-wing voters found in the opposition that number jumps to 72 percent, even higher than the 65 percent of Arab citizens of Israel who feel that way…


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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