11-15-2017 ‘Want to boycott Israel? Be my guest, there will be a pricetag’ — Israeli official warns Europe - Philip Weiss Mondoweiss


A high official in the Israeli government says that the groups supporting BDS, or Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel, are doing a "great job," and Israel has to come up with more aggressive ways to counter them. "If you want to promote boycotts against Israel, be my guest, it's your right. But there will be a price tag," Ron Brummer said last week.  The new battlefield for BDS is in Europe, where companies are under growing pressure to divest from the West Bank, Brummer said. The best response is to put through anti-BDS legislation in American states (as state legislatures and governors have done in Texas, California, Maryland, New York, and other states), so that if a company boycotts the West Bank, it loses 10's of millions in U.S. contracts…



Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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