10-26-2017 Can Meretz Party change Israeli left? - Akiva Eldar Al Monitor



…On second, perhaps conspiratorial thought, Gabbay's right-leaning pronouncements might be a brilliant political tactic…If Gabbay's courting of the religious right drives them crazy, centrist Yair Lapid (leader of Yesh Atid) is unlikely to ease their qualms…Would a Jew bothered by Gabbay's shunning of the Joint List vote for Lapid, the man who coined the term "Zoabis" (a derogatory reference to provocative Arab Knesset member Haneen Zoabi)?…How many Jewish Labor veterans would go so far as to pledge allegiance to the Joint List, which includes the Islamic Movement?...We are thus left with Meretz, the only Zionist party proud to be known as the "secular left…

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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