10-13-2017 Palestinian millennials revolutionise blood donating with new app


Even in the Gaza Strip, where a siege imposed by Israel and Egypt has made daily life there an almost impossible feat for over a decade, technology has become an essential part of day-to-day life.   More and more Gazans are using technological advances to serve their communities and facilitate better living standards, and mobile apps have become some of the latest innovative tools. The need for blood donations for the most vulnerable has long been an issue, especially in Gaza where limited health resources can create a large gap between people in need of blood and those willing to donate.  With this in mind, a group of four Palestinian men and women recently launched a new app called the Palestinian Blood Bank. With the tap of an icon on a smartphone, blood donors can now connect to those in dire need of blood. The app has saved many lives…

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member



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