7-20-2017 Major New Crisis on the Temple Mount/Haram al Sharif - Terrestrial Jerusalem


...Netanyahu's decision to leave the metal detectors in place demonstrates that he is in defiant mode. This is nothing new, but it is getting worse (e.g., Netanyahu's fight with Germany over Breaking the Silence; his effort to return focus to Iran; his bullying of UNESCO; this week's hot mic incident). In recent years, Netanyahu's policies towards the Palestinians in East Jerusalem has consistently been to try to break their will (often by means of frequent collective punishment), while at no time reaching out to them or engaging them on the issues that concern them. In this current crisis, he has doubled down on these policies even in defiance of the advice of his own security establishment. In addition there are those who speculate that this phenomenon is related to Netanyahu's increasing political vulnerability and legal difficulties. Whatever the case, all signs are that the world is facing an increasingly confrontational Netanyahu, including with respect to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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