6-6-2017 Reflections on Six-Day War’s 50th anniversary – Joseph Levine Hampshire Gazette
With this week's 50th anniversary of the Six-Day War, and celebrations of the "reunification" of Jerusalem occurring both in Israel and in many Jewish communities in the United States, it's important to take a sober look back on the events that led to the war and the subsequent 50-year occupation it set in place…And in the end, could any alleged threat justify 50 years of occupation, during which tens of thousands of Palestinians have been imprisoned at one time or another, a huge percentage of their land confiscated for settlements, thousands of homes demolished, and constant fear of attack both from the settlers and the military is the norm? Cause for celebration?...Let us instead use this anniversary to rededicate ourselves to ending the occupation and bringing real peace to the region.
Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member
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