4-27-2017 Letter of Support for Palestinian Hunger Strikers from Lawyers, Legal Workers, Law Students and Legal Organization - National Lawyers Guild International Committees


Over 200 lawyers, law students, legal workers and legal organizations have come together to sign the following letter in support of Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli prisons. Additional signatures are welcome – you may sign on at the form, or send your signature to international@nlg.org:  We, the undersigned lawyers, legal organizations, law students and legal workers, express our solidarity with Palestinian lawyers currently boycotting Israeli military courts. This boycott was launched on April 18 in response to Israeli authorities' denial of legal visits to Palestinian prisoners participating in a hunger strike launched on April 17 and involving approximately 1,500 detainees. (1) In addition, we declare our support and solidarity for the demands of the Palestinian hunger strikers (2) and urge their immediate implementation...


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