3-31-2017 Pushing Palestinians off their land — by pumping sewage onto it - Yossi Gurvitz, for Yesh Din +972


Not content with ongoing demolitions in Umm al-Kheir and the destruction of its taboun [bread-baking oven], settlers in nearby Carmel have resorted to piping their waste onto the land belonging to the village.

…Umm al-Kheir was built in the 1960s by Bedouin refugees who were expelled in 1948 from the Tel Arad region. [it was] re-occupied by Israel in 1967. The village is located in Area C, which means it is under full Israeli military and civil control., and in 1981 the settlement of Carmel was built nearby... Carmel's sewage simply seeps into the land of the natives…

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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