3-31-17 NYT’s BDS Debate Excludes BDS Proponents - FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting)



The most important editorial space in the English-speaking world dedicates a lot of column inches to the topic of Israel, including the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, but hasn't provided any space to a pro-BDS voice on the topic in over three years.  The last opinion column on the topic by a BDS supporter to appear in the New York Times was "Why Israel Fears the Boycott" by Omar Barghouti in January 2014 (1/31/14)—paired with an anti-BDS op-ed, "Losing the Propaganda War" by Hirsh Goodman (1/31/14). Since then, the Times has published seven opinion columns that took a clear position on BDS, all of them in opposition. [FAIR article contains a list]...

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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