2-16-2017 Seize the Moment – Build a New Regional Paradigm – Koby Huberman Fathom



  1. The end goal should be a regional package deal that comprises the two-state solution as well as regional security cooperation, regional economic cooperation and regional normalisation agreements.
  2. Negotiations should be conducted in parallel between Israel and the PA and Israel and the key Arab states.
  3. Negotiations will be based on TOR of the end game, reflecting the spirit of the API and Israeli interests.
  4. While the end-game package is negotiated, it should be reached in a series of phased and transitional agreements.
  5. The guiding principle should be that everything that has been agreed and can be implemented should be implemented.
  6. The process should be regionally led and internationally supported with the US, Russia and the EU playing a role of conveners and enablers.
  7. There should be no international pressure on Israel since this de-incentivises the parties.

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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