2-16-2017 Seize the Moment – Build a New Regional Paradigm – Koby Huberman Fathom
- The end goal should be a regional package deal that comprises the two-state solution as well as regional security cooperation, regional economic cooperation and regional normalisation agreements.
- Negotiations should be conducted in parallel between Israel and the PA and Israel and the key Arab states.
- Negotiations will be based on TOR of the end game, reflecting the spirit of the API and Israeli interests.
- While the end-game package is negotiated, it should be reached in a series of phased and transitional agreements.
- The guiding principle should be that everything that has been agreed and can be implemented should be implemented.
- The process should be regionally led and internationally supported with the US, Russia and the EU playing a role of conveners and enablers.
- There should be no international pressure on Israel since this de-incentivises the parties.
Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member
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