2/1/2017 Israel/OPT: Flurry of settlement activity shows flagrant disregard for international law – Amnesty International



The Israeli authorities' authorization of the construction of 3,000 further illegal settlement homes in the occupied West Bank today - the fourth such announcement within weeks - highlights their shocking willingness to flout international law, said Amnesty International.   In the weeks prior to this the Israeli authorities announced plans to build 3,219 more homes in the occupied West Bank including 719 homes in East Jerusalem. All the announcements have come since the inauguration of US President Donald J. Trump… Israel's policy of settling Jewish civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories violates international humanitarian law, amounts to war crimes. It is also inherently discriminatory and has resulted in grave human rights violations including the destruction of homes, forced evictions, unlawful killings, arbitrary detentions and collective punishment.staunch ally of Israel's current government…

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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