2-14-2017 The civic duty [of Israelis] to oppose home demolitions on both sides of the Green Line - Raied Haj Yahya +972
The demolitions in Qalansuwa, Umm el-Hiran, and Israel's new 'land grab law' are one and the same. So is the obligation to oppose them…
The case of Umm el-Hiran, however, sets a dangerous precedent by legitimizing, for the first time since the Nakba, the eviction of Palestinians and destruction of their communities (within Israel) with the unabashedly declared intention of establishing Jewish communities atop their ruins. ...A genuinely committed, political Arab-Jewish alliance is needed in order to pressure the government to stop its colonial expansion in the West Bank and grant full rights, particularly in areas of land and housing, to Palestinian citizens of Israel. Such an alliance is attainable if Israelis are exposed to the impact of such policies on the ground, policies which can easily lead to a further deterioration in Arab-Jewish relations in Israel. A Jewish alliance with Palestinians is not only an ethical obligation, it is also a civic duty to which the powerful members of society must oblige.
Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member
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