12-8-2016 the Opposite of What Jews and Muslims Need Now - Rachel Roberts Forward



I was pleased to see Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, gallantly tweet that he would "register as a Muslim" in the event that such a registry were created. But despite this initial gesture, actions that the organization has since taken are less encouraging.…ADL has also repeated unproven allegations about links to terror groups overseas against Muslim civil rights organizations doing important grassroots work in Muslim communities, such as the Council on American Islamic Relations, where I once worked. ADL also placed the Muslim Public Affairs Council, an important player in Muslim-Jewish relations, on its 2013 "List of Top Anti-Israel Organizations," which still appears on its website…. [I]in this era, we need a new approach, and ADL needs to go much further than it has…

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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