12-16-2016 A Dangerous Choice for Ambassador to Israel – NY Times Editorial Board



Mr. Friedman has doubted the need for a two-state solution, under which Israelis and Palestinians could live side by side in peace. Ignoring international law and decades of policy under Republican and Democratic administrations, he has endorsed continued Israeli settlement of occupied territory in the West Bank...Mr. Friedman has gone so far as to endorse even the annexation of some of that land, where Palestinians hope to build a state of their own…He has accused President Obama of anti-Semitism, absurdly, and called supporters of J Street — a liberal American Jewish organization that has lobbied for a two-state solution and the Iran nuclear deal — "far worsehan kapos — Jews who turned in their fellow Jews in the Nazi death camps" …effectively ostracizing a significant part of the community….

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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