7-27-2016 "Most Progressive Dem Platform in History" Hawkish on Foreign Policy – Stephen Zunes The Progressive


...Clinton and her representatives in the platform committee defeated a measure calling for an end of Israel's occupation and illegal settlements. Indeed, the platform pegs challenges to the occupation and settlements by the United Nations and others as efforts to "delegitimize Israel." This is particularly problematic language since, under Clinton's leadership, the State Department formally listed efforts to "delegitimize" Israel as part of its definition of anti-Semitism… the platform states that Jerusalem "should remain the capital of Israel." It says nothing about Palestinian aspirations that it serve as the capital of their country as well... The platform praises Israel's supposed "democracy, equality, tolerance, and pluralism"—which would be news for the country's Palestinian minority and those Palestinians living under direct military occupation or in forced exile. It calls on the Palestinians to negotiate an agreement that "guarantees Israel's future" as a "Jewish state," making it the world's first peace treaty in which one party is obliged to recognize another country's ethnic or religious identity over that of others.

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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