7-21-2016 Atlanta mayor rejects demand to end Israel police training - Rania Khalek Electronic Intifada


Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed rejected a demand from groups affiliated with the movement for Black lives to halt Israel's training relationship with local police departments.  Following a resurgence of street protests over the gruesome police slayings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, two Black men killed on film in Louisiana and Minnesota, Reed held a meeting with a collective of protesters calling themselves #ATLisREADY to discuss their list of demands.  The first demand calls for "a complete overhaul of Atlanta Police Department's (APD) training institutions," including "a termination to APD's involvement in the Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE) program, that trains our officers in Apartheid Israel…"  "There was a demand that I stop allowing the Atlanta Police Department to train with the Israeli police department," Mayor Reed acknowledged at a press conference (video above). "I'm not going to do that," he told reporters.  "I happen to believe that the Israeli police department has some of the best counterterrorism techniques in the world," Reed insisted. "And it benefits our police department from that longstanding relationship."…

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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