5-28-2016 What neoconservatives get wrong about U.S. Jews' relationship with Israel – Mitchell Plitnick +972


Neoconservative pundit Elliott Abrams reviewed two new books that document this phenomenon and try to explain it. Trouble in the Tribe: The American Jewish Conflict over Israel by Dov Waxman of Northeastern University and The Star and the Stripes: A History of the Foreign Policies of American Jews by Michael Barnett of George Washington University both look at shifts in Israeli policy over the years and examine the effects of those policy shifts on Jews in the United States. Abrams sees both books as blaming Israel for the growing divide with the U.S. Jewish community, and he feels compelled to respond by laying the blame instead on Jews in the United States. [but] The longer the occupation continues, the less support it will find among Jews in the United States.

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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